Good references for local grass species:
Fact Sheets from Grasses of Australia
For example, Themeda triandra, Kangaroo Grass
And Rytidosperma, Wallaby Grasses, by species
Hello NatureMaprs!Three new priority species lists of exotic freshwater and terrestrial invertebrates, and vertebrates in the ACT have been added to NatureMapr. Uploading records of these species to N...
NatureMapr now receives more records in NSW than ACT
NatureMapr Data Collector 6.2.1 update
Critical nature positive infrastructure update
IMPORTANT NatureMapr Data Collector 6.2.0 mobile app update
Bothriochloa macra at Kiama Heights, NSW
Themeda triandra at Kiama Heights, NSW
Paspalum distichum at Kiama Heights, NSW
Chloris gayana at Wallaga Lake, NSW
Sylvipoa queenslandica at Jamberoo, NSW