Very similar to the Jacky Lizard, but restricted to high elevation, often in areas which receive winter snow. The main point of difference is the presence of enlarged spiny scales in rows on the back, especially on each side of the base of the tail. The Jacky Lizard has keeled scales all over the back and limbs, but none are markedly longer than the rest. The mouth lining is blue (yellow in the Jacky Lizard). The two rows of pale blotches along the back are semi-circular in this species and more variable in Jacky Lizard, sometimes semi-circular and sometimes rectangular or trapezoidal. The colour is variably grey to brown in both species.
Rankinia diemensis is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | South Coast | Greater Sydney | Central West NSW | Gippsland | Grampians | Tasmania
Tympanocryptis diemensisMaps
Deua National Park