These are tall, simple clubs which usually grow in dense clusters, often caespitose (with all the clubs joined together at the base), white, very brittle.
▪ Size to 100 mm tall x 4 mm thick.
▪ Club simple, white, smooth.
▪ Club tip rounded, not acute or crested, white, becoming pointed and yellow to
brown with age.
▪ Stem merges smoothly into the club, white.
▪ Spore print white.
Note – the group consists of a number of similar white clubs including C. acuta and C. alboglobospora that can only be securely separated on microscopic grounds.
Habit: dense clusters, caespitose.
Habitat: on the ground in eucalypt forests
Ref:- A LITTLE BOOK OF CORALS by Pat and Ed Grey P12
Clavaria fragilis group is listed in the following regions: