Restricted to the northern part of the region. Shrub to 3m high, leaves small (4-12mm long), at least some with a spiral twist. Flowers 5-12mm long, calyx hairless. A species complex with a variety of forms.
Dillwynia retorta is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast | Greater Sydney | Hunter Region | New South Wales North Coast
Bamarang Nature Reserve Biamanga National Park Bomaderry Creek Bushcare Bomaderry Creek Regional Park Budawang National Park Conjola National Park Jerrawangala National Park Jervis Bay National Park Kangaroo River Nature Reserve Meroo National Park Mogo State Forest Monga National Park Morton National Park Parma Creek Nature Reserve Triplarina Nature Reserve Wogamia Nature Reserve Woollamia Nature Reserve WR00207