Grows in poorly drained sites close to the coast north of about Ulladulla. Similar to E. botryoides, but differs in having rough bark right to the small branches and the fruits on long stalks.
Eucalyptus robusta is listed in the following regions:
South Coast | New South Wales North Coast | Greater Melbourne | Greater Brisbane
Bannister Point Rainforest Walking Track Batemans Marine Park Broulee Moruya Nature Observation Area Brundee Swamp Nature Reserve Callala Creek Bushcare Currambene State Forest Currarong - Abrahams Bosom Beach Jervis Bay National Park Mogo State Forest Mollymook Beach Bushcare Narrawallee Bushcare Narrawallee Creek Nature Reserve Narrawallee Foreshore and Reserves Bushcare Group Narrawallee Foreshore Reserves Walking Track Nowra State Forest Saltwater Swamp Nature Reserve Seven Mile Beach National Park Woollamia Nature Reserve