Useful references:
In the notes provided about individual species, semi-technical terms are sometimes used. They are briely explained below.
Labial palpi. These are paired appendages extending from the lower part of the head, on either side of the proboscis. They provide important information about the family of the moth.
Parts of a moth’s wing:
Costa: The leading edge of the wing
Inner margin: The trailing edge of the wing
Termen: The outer margin of the wing, connecting the costa to the inner margin
Apex: The leading tip of the wing, where the costa and termen meet
Tornus: The trailing corner of the wing, where the termen and inner margin meet
Cilia. Long hairy scales along an edge of the wing
Earlier this week, NatureMapr suffered a large scale denial of service style attack, causing a sustained outage over several days.It is important to stress that sensitive data was not at risk at any s...
Change to user profile page structure
Sensitive data handling improvements
Fodina ostorius at Kangaroo Valley, NSW
Fodina ostorius at Kangaroo Valley, NSW
Psilogramma casuarinae at Kangaroo Valley, NSW
Stericta concisella at Bulli, NSW
Stericta nephelodes at Bulli, NSW
Urolitha bipunctifera at Vincentia, NSW
Urolitha bipunctifera at Vincentia, NSW
Stericta concisella at Bulli, NSW