Arcyria obvelata is diagnosed by its long, cylindrical, yellow sporotheca and a capillitium only slightly connected to the calyculus.
Sporocarps densely clustered, yellow. Initially 1.5 – 2.0mm tall expanding to 4 – 12mm long after rupture of the peridium.
Stalk yellowish brown, slightly curved, very short.
Peridium persistent at base as a small shallow calyculus after rupture of the peridium
Capillitia abundant, strongly elastic network of threads 3-4µm diam., deciduous flacid and drooping, with numerous club shaped free ends, decorated with spines, half-rings and fragmentary reticulations.
Spores yellow, 6.0–7.5 μm diam. Nearly smooth, but with a few scattered warts.
Plasmodium watery white.
Commonly found on dead wood and bark.
Not to be confused with Arcyria virescens which has a yellow-greenish colour and a less elastic capillitium, usually a longer stalk nearly without the cyst like cells in the stalk.
Heterotrichia obvelata is listed in the following regions:
Arcyria obvelata