Common across southern Australia in SA, VIC, NSW and TAS. South from Port Stephens. It is generally found in open woodland, both on sandstone and clay soils, as well as upland bogs.
Styphelia humifusum is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | South Coast | Central West NSW | Riverina Murray | Loddon Mallee | Tasmania
Astroloma humifusumMaps
Ben Boyd National Park Bondi State Forest Cathcart State Forest Coolangubra State Forest East Boyd State Forest Glenbog State Forest Kangaroo Valley - Sydney Bushwalkers Club Mogo State Forest Morton National Park Murramarang National Park Nadgee Nature Reserve Nullica State Forest South East Forest National Park Triplarina Nature Reserve Wadbilliga National Park Yambulla State Forest