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Phalacrocorax carbo (Great Cormorant) at Ulladulla, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Mitrasacme polymorpha (Varied Mitrewort) at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Trametes coccinea (Scarlet Bracket) at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Philotheca scabra subsp. latifolia at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Dockrillia striolata (Streaked Rock Orchid) at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Melaleuca capitata (Sandstone Honey-Myrtle) at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Amphibolurus muricatus at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Cyanicula caerulea at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Calytrix tetragona (Common Fringe-myrtle) at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Hakea sp. at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Thelymitra ixioides at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Drosera auriculata at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Utricularia uniflora at Porters Creek, NSW - 21 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Apis mellifera (European honey bee) at Huskisson, NSW - 20 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Leptospermum laevigatum (Coast Teatree) at Ulladulla, NSW - 20 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Tropaeolum majus (Nasturtium) at Ulladulla, NSW - 20 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Gazania rigens (Treasure Flower) at Ulladulla, NSW - 20 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Cotula coronopifolia (Water Buttons) at Ulladulla, NSW - 20 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Carpobrotus sp. (A Pigface) at Ulladulla, NSW - 20 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Pelargonium australe (Austral Stork's-bill) at Ulladulla, NSW - 20 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Westringia fruticosa (Native Rosemary) at Ulladulla, NSW - 20 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Kennedia rubicunda (Dusky Coral Pea) at Ulladulla, NSW - 20 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Carpobrotus glaucescens (Pigface) at Ulladulla, NSW - 20 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Gleichenia rupestris (Scrambling Coral Fern) at Ulladulla, NSW - 20 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Billardiera mutabilis (Climbing Apple Berry, Apple Berry, Snot Berry, Apple Dumblings, Changeable Flowered Billardiera) at Ulladulla, NSW - 19 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Macrozamia communis (Burrawang) at Surf Beach, NSW - 16 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Pseudechis porphyriacus at Mogo, NSW - 16 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Melaleuca ericifolia (Swamp Paperbark) at Ulladulla, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Billardiera scandens (Hairy Apple Berry) at Ulladulla, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Telopea speciosissima (NSW Waratah) at Woodburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Telopea speciosissima (NSW Waratah) at Woodburn, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Pteris tremula (Tender Brake) at Porters Creek, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Gompholobium latifolium (Golden Glory Pea, Giant Wedge-pea) at Porters Creek, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Tetratheca decora at Porters Creek, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Asplenium flabellifolium (Necklace Fern) at Porters Creek, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Kennedia rubicunda (Dusky Coral Pea) at Porters Creek, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Prostanthera sp. at Porters Creek, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Epacris microphylla at Porters Creek, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Dendrobium speciosum (Rock Lily) at Porters Creek, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Lampropholis delicata (Delicate Skink) at Porters Creek, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Thelionema umbellatum (Clustered Lily) at Porters Creek, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Goodenia bellidifolia (Daisy-leaf Goodenia) at Porters Creek, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Dockrillia striolata (Streaked Rock Orchid) at Porters Creek, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Goodenia glomerata at Porters Creek, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Dendrobium speciosum var. speciosum (Sydney Rock Orchid) at Porters Creek, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Prostanthera saxicola var. montana at Porters Creek, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Sprengelia incarnata (Pink Swamp-heath) at Porters Creek, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Dampiera stricta (Blue Dampiera) at Porters Creek, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Pomaderris intermedia at Porters Creek, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Sowerbaea juncea (Vanilla Lily) at Porters Creek, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Banksia ericifolia (Heath Banksia) at Porters Creek, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Telopea speciosissima (NSW Waratah) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Actinotus helianthi (Flannel Flower) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Leucopogon ericoides at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Scaevola ramosissima (Hairy Fan-flower) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Dampiera stricta (Blue Dampiera) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Hypocysta metirius at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Caladenia picta at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Unidentified Pea at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Amperea xiphoclada var. xiphoclada (Broom Spurge) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Lomandra longifolia (Spiny-headed Mat-rush, Honey Reed) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Calochlaena dubia (Rainbow Fern) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Hibbertia sp. at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Isopogon anemonifolius at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Caladenia carnea at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Grevillea patulifolia at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Viola hederacea at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Gompholobium latifolium (Golden Glory Pea, Giant Wedge-pea) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Tetratheca thymifolia (Black-eyed Susan) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Caladenia carnea at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Bossiaea obcordata (Spiny Bossiaea) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Pimelea linifolia (Slender Rice Flower) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Schelhammera undulata (Lilac Lily) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Plecia dimidiata at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Apis mellifera (European honey bee) at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Daviesia corymbosa at Ulladulla, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Schelhammera undulata (Lilac Lily) at Burrill Lake, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Blechnum cartilagineum (Gristle Fern) at Burrill Lake, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Adiantum hispidulum var. hispidulum (Rough Maidenhair) at Burrill Lake, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Hibbertia scandens (Climbing Guinea Flower) at Burrill Lake, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Clarel
Acianthus fornicatus (Pixie-caps) at Ulladulla, NSW - 11 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Dodonaea triquetra (Large-leaf Hop-Bush) at Ulladulla, NSW - 11 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Pterostylis grandiflora (Cobra Greenhood) at Ulladulla, NSW - 11 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Myrmecia forficata (A Bull ant) at Ulladulla, NSW - 11 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Kennedia rubicunda (Dusky Coral Pea) at Ulladulla, NSW - 11 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Grevillea patulifolia at Ulladulla, NSW - 11 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Pultenaea linophylla (Halo Bush-Pea) at Ulladulla, NSW - 11 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Comesperma volubile (Love Creeper) at Ulladulla, NSW - 11 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Hovea linearis (Narrow-leaved Hovea) at Ulladulla, NSW - 11 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Pelecanus conspicillatus (Australian Pelican) at Ulladulla, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Drosera auriculata (Tall Sundew) at Ulladulla, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Dodonaea triquetra (Large-leaf Hop-Bush) at Ulladulla, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Conospermum taxifolium (Variable Smoke-bush) at Ulladulla, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Gleichenia dicarpa (Wiry Coral Fern) at Ulladulla, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum) at Ulladulla, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Homalanthus populifolius (Bleeding Heart) at Ulladulla, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Acacia filicifolia at Ulladulla, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Banksia integrifolia subsp. integrifolia (Coast Banksia) at Ulladulla, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Monotoca elliptica (Tree Broom-heath) at Ulladulla, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by Clarel
Daviesia latifolia (Hop Bitter-Pea) at Ulladulla, NSW - 10 Aug 2024 by Clarel

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We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of this land and acknowledge their continuing connection to their culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.