Local native along the Tuross River east of Cooma. Garden escape in suburban Canberra.
Callistemon citrinus is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast
Melaleuca citrinaMaps
Batemans Marine Park Ben Boyd National Park Biamanga National Park Bodalla State Forest Booderee National Park Budderoo National Park East Boyd State Forest Jervis Bay National Park Kangaroo Valley LB Block Meroo National Park Mogo State Forest Morton National Park Mumbulla State Forest Murramarang National Park Nadgee Nature Reserve Nadgee State Forest South East Forest National Park Timbillica State Forest Wadbilliga National Park Wairo Beach and Dolphin Point Wallagoot LALC Yambulla State ForestPlaces
Kangaroo Valley, NSW Tianjara, NSW