Sporangia:- scattered, sessile with a contracted base, or forming elongate, sinuous, or branching plasmodiocarps, laterally compressed with parallel sides, the upper ridge flattened and finally splitting longitudinally, white ,gray, or yellowish.
Peridium:- double, the outer layer with more or less dense deposits of lime, smooth or reticulate, the inner layer wrinkled and colourless, membranous, usually adhering to the outer layer.
Capillitium:- consisting of numerous white, often branching, large or small lime nodes connected by rather short hyaline threads.
Spores:- dark on mass; pale brown by transmitted light mininutely warted.
Angioridium sinuosum is listed in the following regions:
Physarum bivalveNgunnawal language
Physarum bivalveMaps
Bodalla State Forest