The fruitbody is a mushroom, the cap sitting atop a central stem. The mushrooms are small, with the cap diameter generally in the range from a few millimetres to a centimetre or so. The mushrooms almost always grow on dead plant material (e.g. rotting wood; twig or leaf litter; the remains of grasses, sedges, ferns or herbaceous plants) - rarely on soil. White is a common colour.
This is a pigeon-hole for those sightings where, from photos alone, it is not possible to be sure whether the subject belongs to Mycena or some Mycena-like genus (e.g. Delicatula, Hemimycena, Mycenella).
Little is known about the species that occur in the local region. If, over time, knowledge of the local species improves, it may become possible to identify some of these sightings.
mycenoid is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast
No sightings currently exist.