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Unidentified Marine Alga & Seaweed
Hydromys chrysogaster
Unidentified Spider
Unidentified Cap on a stem; teeth below cap
Orthodera ministralis
Sarcophaga sp. (genus)
Lucilia sp. (genus)
Apiformes (informal group)
Leucauge dromedaria
Xanthorrhoea sp.
Meomyia sp.
Trichophthalma costalis
Tabanidae (family)
Helicoverpa punctigera
Unidentified Moth (Lepidoptera)
Unidentified Skipper (Hesperiidae)
Unidentified Other Shrub
Unidentified Leech (Hirudinea)
Gonocarpus sp.
Acacia dealbata subsp. dealbata
Unidentified Robber fly (Asilidae)
Copidapha quadrimacula
Sarcophagidae (family)
Galanga labeculata
Tachinidae (family)
Villa sp (genus)
Unidentified Insect
Muscidae (family)
Ariamnes sp. (genus)
Phellinus sp.
Leptotarsus (Leptotarsus) clavatus
Polyrhachis ammon
Phonognathidae (family)
Poecilasthena pulchraria
Coronidium scorpioides
Unidentified Fungus
Unidentified Sea Snail or Limpet (Gastropoda)
Podacanthus typhon
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