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Chezala privatella
Heteronympha merope
Trapezites luteus
Unidentified Termite (superfamily Termitoidea)
Unidentified Moth (Lepidoptera)
Unidentified Lacewing (Neuroptera)
Unidentified Insect
Badumna sp. (genus)
Triclista guttata
Ramaria sp. (genus)
Fabriogenia sp. (genus)
Amanita sp.
Bovista sp.
Panaeolus sp.
Billardiera heterophylla
Goniaea australasiae
Anax papuensis
Unidentified Fungus
Scopula (genus)
Hortophora sp. (genus)
Unidentified Daisy
Laccaria lateritia
Cervidae (family)
Laccaria sp.
Scleroderma sp.
Isopeda brachyseta
Rhodofomitopsis lilacinogilva
Unidentified Feral hoofed introduced mammal
Trametes sp.
Camponotus nigriceps
Orthogonis ornatipennis
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