Stemonitis splendens, Rostafinski, is a common species, often occurs in large fruitings and has sporangia with conspicuous large-meshed surface net and nonreticulate spores.
Sporangia 12-15 mm high, clustered and usually forming a large colony, densely crowded, stipitate, cylindric, rigid, dark purplish brown. Stipes are small flared at the base, arising from a widely expanded, silvery to some-what purplish hypothallus. Columella reaching nearly to the sporangial apex, attenuate, often coiled and tortuous toward the tip, dark reddish brown. Capillitium open-meshed and arising from the columella by relatively few major branches, sometimes with membranous junctions; surface reticulum fairly robust, smooth, with irregular, rounded to polygonal meshes..
Stemonitis splendens is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast
Stemonitis splendens is listed in the following regions:
Bodalla State ForestPlaces
Kianga, NSW