Fungimap Target Species
Sporangia:- forming elongate, winding, branched plasmodiocarps, usually uniting into a close net, golden yellow or brownish yellow, often seated on a reddish brown hypothallus.
Peridium:- of two layers, the outer membranous or cartilaginous, yellow, or brownish yellow from deposits of refuse matter, the inner membranous, delicately marked with a network resembling fan-tracery.
Capillitium:- an elastic tangle of twisted, sparingly branched, yellow or orange threads marked with three or four regular, spiral bands, usually spinose, rarely smooth; longitudinal striae often distinct; free ends pointed.
Spores:- Yellow, reticulate with narrow bands forming a net with from nine to twelve meshes.
Plasmodium:- Milky white, then yellow.
Hemitrichia serpula is listed in the following regions:
Bermagui State Forest Bodalla State ForestPlaces
Kianga, NSW